Year 2
Welcome to our Year 2 news page
We have so much amazing learning planned for your children in this term.
There is no longer a statutory requirement for children to undertake the SATs assessments in Year 2. However, we will continue to use this and other forms of assessments to ensure that we understand the next steps in your children's learning.
In June children who did not have or pass their Phonics Screening Check will resit the screening check.
Please visit the Phonics Page for further information and to see the Phonics Workshop PowerPoint.
Here you will find all the latest information for what we are getting up to in class and at the bottom of the page you'll find the PowerPoints to previously held meetings or workshops relevant to Year 2.
If you have any questions regarding your child's learning, or would like to share your work with their class teacher please email
During Spring 2, we will be studying the following areas:
Science - Plants - Light and dark
Geography - How does England compare to Jamaica?
RE - Why is Jesus important to Christians?
PSHE - Health and Wellbeing
Year 2 Knowledge Organisers
Below, we have provided pupils with a knowledge organiser in each of these areas to support them to learn key information.
Year 2 Curriculum Letters
Our curriculum newsletter informs you of what we will be learning in class, and has the home learning challenges for the half term.