Zones of Regulation

What are the Zones of Regulation?
Learning to identify and regulate emotions is a big job, especially for young children! The children Wembley Primary School are learning about the ‘Zones of Regulation’ which is a model to help children identify their feelings, identify which ‘zone’ they belong to and allow them to regulate their own feelings and behaviours. 

We describe these zones using the colours blue, green, yellow and red in EYFS and as ‘Running Slow,’ ‘Good to Go’, ‘Caution’ and ‘STOP’ zones in KS1 and 2.

We teach our children how to read their body’s signals, detect triggers, read social context, and consider how their behaviours impact those around them. We teach our children that there are no bad zones to be in and that it is ok to be in any one zone.

Below is a link to a video to help you understand the different zones.

Meet the Zones Video Link

Every class has a visual display of the ‘Zones of Regulation’ that is used daily and referred to during PHSE lessons and used as points for discussion. The teachers also use this model to explain how they are feeling and which strategies they can use to help them during challenging times.

On 14th May 2021, Mrs Evaghoras presented to our Parent Forum about the Zones of Regulation. Click on the link below to read the presentation that she shared with them.

Parent Forum Presentation


 Click here to link to the whole school homework we set about Zones of Regulation.

In February 2023, we held assemblies across the school to remind our pupils about strategies they can use to return to the 'good to go' zone:


In July 2024, all children attended an assembly to talk about the different ways Wembley Primary School look after their well being. These include:
• Zones of regulation
• Pupil voice
• PSHE lessons
• Mental health week/Anti-bullying week
• Prefects
• Quiet Area
• Nature Garden