
Upcoming Events 2025:

Please see the half term events available at Wembley Libraries:

Wembley Libraries half term events

Previous Events:

Family Quiz Night - December 2024

Thank you to everyone that attended our annual family quiz night.

It was a fantastic evening of food, fun and quizzing!

Congratulations to all the winners of the night. 

We hope you all had a great evening!

Black History Month - October 2024

This year’s Black History Month theme was “Reclaiming Narratives”. This means recognising and correcting the stories of Black history and culture. 


To honour this theme, we are asked pupils in each year group to create a short presentation about the assigned person for their year group.

We had so many fantastic entries.

Well done to everyone that entered.


The winners of the competition were:

Adhya - Year 3

Cahlia - Year 4

Shae'Lia - Year 4

Zuzanna - Year 4

Filip - Year 6

Congratulations to all the winners!

Caribbean Journeys by Year 4

Our Year 4 pupils worked with the London Transport Museum @ltmuseum in developing a learning resource for primary schools across London and the rest of the country, based on The Windrush Generation.

And what an amazing job they did.

These films will be displayed in the London Transport Museum

Watch them in action below:

Reading Week March 2024

We had a very successful reading week this half term. Thank you to all the parents who came into school to share a book with their child during that week. It was fantastic to see such a huge turn out!

The whole school exhibition about the book 'The Snail' by Minu Kim was very popular. Both the parents and children really enjoyed looking at the fantastic art work and all the wonderful learning centered around the book.