The vision of Music at Wembley Primary School is that Music is fully embedded in every aspect of school life and our aspiration is that every child adopts a lifelong love of music.
Through playing, singing, creating and performing, children will develop confidence, communication skills, thinking and creative skills and improve their emotional well-being. Children will find that music is enjoyable and relaxing which reinforces our whole school ethos. Children will build on skills such as ‘determination, resilience, hard-work and bravery’ when performing to an audience.
Music lessons are lively and interactive and aim to foster a passion for music in children of all abilities. A bespoke plan has been produced by Brent Music Service and is linked to our curriculum. Children use spoken word within performance and poetry writing and performing in English.
The children participate in singing, playing tuned and untuned percussion , composition, and listening to live and recorded music. All children are taught the skills to be able to compose using musical instruments. Musical notation is taught through learning and playing which include djembe drums, recorders and ukuleles. Children across school are taught correct musical terminology, for example, rhythm, melody, pitch and dynamics.
Singing is a highly important part of our music curriculum. The children are taught how to warm up their voices, sing in rounds and harmony, and build up a repertoire of songs. We have a school choir who meet on a weekly basis. Children also have opportunities to perform at events across the year such as our large carnival event and in choir competitions.
Music is a unique and powerful form of communication that can change the way people feel, think and act. It combines creativity with emotion, enabling personal expression, reflection and development. The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all children:
perform, listen to, review and evaluate music
are taught to sing, create and compose music
understand and explore how music is created, produced, and communicated
At Wembley Primary School, we work with Brent Music Service to aspire and provide our children with a rich and varied music curriculum, enabling them to gain a firm understanding of the subject. We provide the children with the skills and knowledge required of successful musicians. Children will leave Wembley Primary school with an appreciation for the joy of music, a love for singing and a range of musical experiences and skills.
Music at Wembley is taught by a member from the Brent Music Service and ensures progression of skills, throughout each year group. Children are provided with the opportunity to dissect and comprehend parts of music and gain a range of musical experiences through the exposure of different musical traditions and genres. In the classroom, children learn key aspects of music through cross-curricular links.
Our music curriculum also provides children with the ability to give precise written and verbal explanations, using musical terminology effectively, accurately, and appropriately. BMS’unique and custom curriculum is used across the whole school, which provides engaging lessons and songs, that meet the National Curriculum requirements.
During their early years the children will encounter a curriculum rich in opportunities to explore music, following the guidance in the Early Years Foundation Stage document. The children will be encouraged to listen to music and focus on how sounds can create feelings and ideas, as well as responding to musical stimuli though dance and movements. In addition, children will also create musical sounds of their own, though playing with musical instruments with increasing control and success. The emphasis on play and practical learning will feed into Key Stage 1, as children begin the Primary National Curriculum.
Year 1 and 2 children focus on listening carefully, and responding physically to, a wide range of music. They play musical instruments and sing a variety of songs from memory, adding accompaniments and creating short compositions, with increasing confidence, imagination and control. They explore and enjoy how sounds and silence can create different moods and effects.
In Key Stage 2, children sing songs and play instruments with increasing confidence, skill and expression, as well as with an increasing awareness of their own contribution to a group or class performance. They improvise, and develop their own musical compositions, in response to a variety of different stimuli with increasing personal involvement, independence and creativity. They explore their own thoughts and emotions through responding sensitively and intellectually, to a variety of music from different times, cultures and contexts.
In our music curriculum we can read about musical genres, music from around the globe, instruments and famous musicians and composers.
The children are assessed by their music teacher against clear learning objectives and success criteria. Children are also encouraged to self and peer assess, throughout each unit. The nature of the music curriculum at Wembley Primary School, enables children to access fundamental abilities such as: achievement, self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others, and self-reflection. Music will also develop an understanding of culture and history, both in relation to children individually, as well as ethnicities from across the world. Children are able to enjoy music in as many ways as they choose – either as listener, creator or performer. The music curriculum provided by Wembley Primary School ensures that children build the confidence and skills to perform when opportunities arise, both in and outside of school. Opportunities for singing are always utilised across school, with regular singing in school assemblies and in individual classrooms. Wembley also takes pride upon planning music-based performances, such as Nativities and music end of term music assemblies, which give the children a sense of pride and achievement, in which they can share with their peers.
How Long is it For?
Learning an instrument is a skill for life, and it is expected that your child will continue on their instrument throughout their time at school. Children will need to practise their instrument at home to ensure they make good progress. Children who reach grade 1, have the opportunity to join music ensembles within Brent. If for any reason, your child wants to stop music lessons, they must inform the school a minimum of 2 weeks before the end of term.
How Much Does it Cost?
Music lessons for a term cost £80, or £20 for children who currently receive free school meals. In order to progress, your child will need to have an instrument to use in lessons and practice at home. You can ask your music teacher advice on purchasing the instrument. You may also be asked to buy a music book. There will be a book to use for practising at home.
What if I Want to Stop Their Lessons?
If your child decides they want to stop, you must let the school know before the end of that term, so the place can be given to another child. For example, if in November your child wishes to stop music lessons, you should let the school know 2 weeks before the Christmas holidays. If you have not informed the school, you will be expected to pay for the next term.
Where Can I Find Out More?
If you have any more questions, you can to the Brent Music website: