New Reception Parents 2025

Dear Parents/Carers

Further to your acceptance of a place for your child in our Reception Classes for September 2025, we would like to welcome your family to Wembley Primary School. We are enormously proud of our school and look forward to meeting you and your child very soon.

By May 2025, you will receive a red folder with your Reception application form and a letter outlining details of your child's allocated class and important meeting dates and times. Please ensure you keep this safe and return the completed application form back to school with all the relevant evidence needed as soon as possible.

There will be a welcome meeting in July (date and time to be announced). If you are unable attend please look below for the Reception Welcome Meeting PowerPoint that will be shared during the meeting. (The PowerPoint will be added below) This will show you who your child's teacher and teaching assistants will be in September.  Show this to your child to help them to become familiar with the staff.

Below, you will also find some useful resources to help prepare your child for starting in Reception.

We also have a YouTube Channel for Reception where you can see lots of fantastic videos of different learning to support your child. Please visit:


We understand that starting Reception is a huge milestone for children and parents and we aim to make the transition as smooth as possible in September, ensuring that all guidance on social distancing is strictly followed. To achieve this, we offer a gradual intake programme. Our transition programme has been very well thought through and successful in past years. Our aim is for all children to settle in well, embrace their new environment and to feel happy and secure at school.

We understand that all children are different and have different needs. We will look at each child’s transition on an individual basis and work in partnership with you to ensure that your child is settled and happy at school.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, (Mrs Pindoria, Assistant Headteacher for Early Years & Year 1) if you have any questions or queries. You can email me on alternatively you can call the school and I will get back to you.

We look forward to meeting you and your children soon.

Please take a look at this video which showcases some of the learning your child will experience whilst in Reception at Wembley Primary School:​


Welcome to Reception 2025

Getting Ready for School Checklist

Supporting your Child with Maths in EYFS

Supporting your Child with Literacy in EYFS