About Us
The Phoenix Rises
Wembley Primary School is one of the largest primary schools in Brent, situated within a 10 minute walking distance of the famous landmark, Wembley Stadium, and just a 20 minutes train ride away from the heart of London.
In February 2009, the Mayor of Brent officially opened Wembley Primary School into an impressive, modern, purpose built new school ready to take on the flagship of a community for outstanding learning. Wembley Manor Infant School and Wembley Manor Junior School, amalgamated into one and a new journey, for both the children and staff, began!
Building Relationships
An essential ingredient crucial to our success is teamwork. We view education as a joint venture which involves everyone within our school community. From the children, parents and carers to the staff, Governors and wider community, it is this mutually source of collective strength that gives us the confidence to be able to provide the best possible education and experience for every child.