Wellbeing Events
Events 2022 - 23
Whole School Well-being Homework - Zones of Regulation Competition Summer 2022: We had some wonderful entries and everybody who entered received a certificate in assembly. Here are some of our entries from our talented KS2 students: Naba, Praksh, Nazir, Priyal and Sofia.
Anti-Bullying Week 14th - 18th November 2022: Pupils wore their odd socks to kick off a week of lessons and activities about bullying and how to be a good friend.
Christmas Fundraiser for 'Jack's Place' Northwick Park Hospital December 2022: Pupils made recycled Christmas decorations for their classroom and made a donation. We raised £187 for Jack's Place and we used it to buy some play equipment for their visiting patients, including a giant 'Connect 4'!
Children's Mental Health Week 6th - 12th February 2023: Pupils learned about their mental health and activities that 'Connect Us.' They celebrated their differences in a 'Dress to Express' charity day and raised a whopping £608 for Place2Be!
Past Events 2021-22
Pyjamarama 2022 Pupils and staff wore their PJs to school to promote reading and snuggling up for a bedtime story. We were thrilled to be able to invite parents and carers into school to read with our pupils and promote reading at home.
Christmas Jumper Day. Pupils and staff at Wembley Primary School took part in Save The Children's Christmas Jumper Day on 10th December 2021
Children's Mental Health Week 7th - 13th February 2022: We celebrated Children's Mental Health Week with the theme 'Growing together.' This included a virtual assembly, art and creative activities around this theme to support our pupils in looking after their mental health positively.
Anti-Bullying Week 15th - 19th November 2021: We mark Anti-Bullying Week at Wembley Primary School every year. This year, the theme was 'One Kind Word.' The children watched a live-streamed assembly from the Anti-Bullying Alliance and we learnt about Bullying and ways to combat it in our PSHE lessons. We held 'Odd Socks Day' on Monday 15th November 2021 to promote diversity and equality too. We collected our kind words on a whole school display.