Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 news page.


We have so much amazing learning planned for your children in this term.

Here you will find all the latest information for what we are getting up to in class.

If you have any questions regarding your child's learning, please email

Secondary School Offer Date

You will receive the name of the secondary school you have been offered on Monday 3rd March.

You will have until the 17th March to accept or decline the offer. If it is not your preferred school, we still recommend that you accept the place you have been offered. This guarantees that your child has a school place in September 2025. You may then appeal the choice given. 

You will automatically be on the waiting list for any school ahead of the choice you were given. For example, if you were given your 3rd choice school, you will be on the waiting list for your 1st and 2nd choices for the whole of the next academic year (2025-26). 

The date for the second round of offers is 17th March and the third round is 2nd May.

If you have any questions related to admissions, please see your child's class teacher or Mr. Barr.

During Spring 2, we will be studying the following areas:

Science - The Circulatory System

Geography - Fieldwork

RE - Why don't we all get on?

PSHE - Health and Wellbeing

Spanish - My best day ever

Year 6 Knowledge Organisers

Below, we have provided pupils with a knowledge organiser in each of these areas to support them to learn key information.

Year 6 Curriculum Letters

Our curriculum newsletter informs you of what we will be learning in class, and has the home learning challenges for the half term.

Autumn 2 Year 6 Curriculum Letter - Autumn 1 Year 6 Curriculum Letter - Spring 2 Year 6 Curriculum Letter - Spring 1 Year 6 Curriculum Letter -

Maths SATs meeting

Please see the presentation we held for parents and carers.

We looked at how the use of images helps children to visualise questions. We also spoke about the importance of thinking about what a realistic answer would be before working through the problem.

Please talk to your child's class teacher about our approaches to maths.

Maths Meeting