Welcome to our Early Years news page


You will find all the latest information for what we are getting up to in class on Tapestry.

If you have any questions regarding your child's learning, please email newparents@wembleyprimary.brent.sch.uk


For more information on the EYFS curriculum please visit the EYFS Curriculum Page

Learning will be uploaded weekly on Tapestry. As always we love to see what learning your child is doing at home. Please do upload videos and photos onto Tapestry for staff.

If you are unable to access Tapestry please email newparents@wembleyprimary.brent.sch.uk or call the school and leave a message and we will sort this out for you promptly. 

We also have a YouTube Channel for Reception where you can see lots of fantastic videos of different learning to support your child.

Please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1f3V-Wz9tc-Yokhgc5djVA


Please find our curriculum newsletter below which shows you what we will cover in class.

Autumn 1 EYFS Curriculum Letter - Autumn 2 EYFS Curriculum Letter - Spring 1 EYFS Curriculum Letter -