Buy PE T-Shirts Here

Important Notice

We will no longer be stocking uniform at the school except for PE T-Shirts.

All PE T-Shirts can be purchased after your child's 1st day at school by clicking on this link:

Buy PE T-Shirts ONLY

All other uniform must be purchased from Rumble's store in Wembley (598 High Road, Wembley, Near the HSBC Bank) or from the uniform supplier directly using the link below:

If you would like to have your uniform delivered to your home address, please click on this link below:

Order uniform for home delivery


Please remember that no jewellery should be worn in school. If your child has pierced ears, small studs are permitted. However, these must be removed by the child for P.E. lessons.

Children will now be coming to school already in their P.E. kits on the days of their P.E. lesson.



P.E. Uniform
House colour T-Shirt
Black plimsolls or trainers with non-marking soles
Black or Navy blue P.E. shorts
Black / Navy blue tracksuit
In addition to the P.E. and school uniform, children will also need:
Wembley Primary School Book Bag (available to purchase from the school uniform shop)


Once received, orders will be sent home with your child(ren) or can be collected from the main reception desk or the school uniform office.
Note: Once uniform has been purchased and worn it can not be refunded or exchanged.


Recycled (Outgrown) Uniform

As part of our efforts to improve sustainability and help our families with keeping costs down, we are offering ways to obtain and donate recycled (outgrown) uniform. Over the academic year, we have planned days for when you can donate and purchase second-hand uniform. We will update you with the dates via our school newsletter - The Phoenix Flyer. 


Wembley  Primary Uniform List