

At Wembley Primary School, we want every child to achieve their best by offering a sequential, structured, challenging and fun curriculum. We want our children to leave with fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills, which will help them in real life situations.



Our curriculum is designed to develop resilience and independence so that our children are prepared for the next stage of their education.

It aims to ensure that every child should have:


  • A deep understanding of number.

  • Confidence in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills.

  • A range of strategies when solving problems

  • Instant recall of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts

  • A clear understanding of mathematical vocabulary

  • An understanding how to prove and disprove ideas

  • Confidence when using mathematics a cross the curriculum.



Our curriculum, from Early Years to Year 6, ensures coverage of the different areas of maths with number at the heart of it.  Objectives set out in the National Curriculum are covered through following the White Rose Scheme.  During maths lessons, pupils are given opportunities to work collaboratively and independently.  Teachers and pupils engage in quality maths talk, which develops mathematical language, deepens learning and enables teachers to address misconceptions quickly and effectively. The needs of our pupils inform our lessons and each child’s needs are catered for.   Teachers adapt their teaching and scaffold for those children who need support; this enables them to access the national expectations for their year group.  Through the use of concrete resources and pictorial representations all children are supported to enable them to work abstractly.

Teachers have access to a range of resources to support subject knowledge, planning and assessment of the maths curriculum.




We want our children to see mathematics as a subject which runs through the other areas of the curriculum. Parents engage with their child’s mathematical learning through workshops, home learning tasks and class visits. By the time the children leave Wembley Primary, they will see the significance and purpose of mathematics in their everyday lives.


Medium Term Plans/Curriculum Overviews

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6



Assessment for learning is embedded across the school to assess what the children have learnt. Pupils regularly use retrieval practice to help guide their teachers into designing tasks to meet the needs of all children. Pupils complete summative assessments, which are appropriate for the children's age.  These inform teachers, parents and pupils on their outcomes and prepare the children for the end of Key Stage SATs tests.


For Parents

Statutory tests for mathematics take place in Year 4 (Multiplication Check) and Year 6 (SATs - Arithmetic and Reasoning Papers).  Click below for more information.  We will be holding Parents Workshops about these tests during the year.



Supporting Your Child's Learning

Recommended Books


CGP have some excellent resources for all year groups.  They are available from WH Smiths, Amazon and the CGP website.

Rising Star books are suitable for Year 2 and 6 to help prepare the children for the SATs tests.  They are available from WH Smiths, Amazon and the CGP website.

Collins have useful exercise books which cover all areas of mathematics.  They are available from WH Smiths, Amazon and the CGP website.

White Rose have excellent videos which cover all objectives taught in your child's year group.


For Pupils

Key Stage 1

This website has a variety of questions covering all areas of maths.  Your child will practise skills they have learnt in class and apply them to reasoning and problem solving questions.


Years 2-6

You should practise your multiplication and division facts every day.  Click below to go to the TT Rockstars website.  If you are not sure about your Username and password, please speak to your teacher. 

Year 4

Click on the link below to have a go at the Multiplication Check you will be completing in June.


Year 6

This website has a variety of questions covering all areas of maths. Your child will be able to practise skills they have learnt in class and apply them to reasoning and problem solving questions.  This is an excellent tool for revision in order to be prepared for the SATs in May.