Parent View & Partnership

Wembley Primary School parents and carers can give Ofsted their views of our school at any time of the year using an online questionnaire called Parent View.

Your views are really important in helping inspectors form a judgement about our school, and to help us know what is going well and what could be improved. Please register at

Once your login has been activated, it only takes a few minutes to complete answers to 12 short questions on a variety of aspects such as bullying, the quality of teaching and level of homework.

If you do not have a computer or an email address, or if you would like help to use Parent View, please do get in touch with us.

Wembley Primary School is always seeking ways within which we can strengthen our partnership with parents and carers in order to heighten progress, attainment and achievements of our children, as well as to build relationships as a community. We invite parents into school for a variety of events, including concerts, presentations, workshops, coffee mornings and to help our in class and on trips.

Thank you so much for completing the Lockdown Learning Survey. It was very useful in helping us further develop our remote learning provision.

Based on your feedback here is what we have done. 

You Said We Did