Wellbeing Across the Curriculum

At Wembley Primary School we recognise the importance of being creative, being active and going outdoors in positive wellbeing for our pupils. Our specialist teachers plan exciting, engaging and creative lessons for the pupils to take part in each week. More details about the curriculum in each subject can be found on the 'Curriculum' page of this website.

PE with Mr Thomas - Our pupils in Year 1 -6 enjoy PE weekly in our purpose-built sports hall with our award winning PE specialist Mr Thomas.

Art with Ms Macaulay - Our pupils look forward to an Art lesson each week where pupils develop their art and design skills in a variety of media (including paint, pencil, pastels, printing and 3D work.

Nature Garden and the outdoors with Ms Macaulay and Mrs Sear - Pupils at Wembley Primary School Years 1 - 6 look forward to their regular visits to our wonderful nature garden with Ms Macaulay to explore the natural world in a variety of ways in the mud kitchen, through digging and planting and observing plants and animals in our pond and woodland areas. Children in EYFS (Nursery and Reception) visit the nature area on a regular basis with their class teachers and Mrs Sear

Computing with Ms Haines- Our pupils learn about computing, including online safety and coding, during their lessons every other week. They use I-pads and laptops to do their learning.

Our PSHE Curriculum - Our pupils are taught a PSHE curriculum that is tailor-made to our pupil's needs. The curriculum is based around three main themes over the year: Celebrating Differences, Healthy Me and Relationships. Pupils are explicitly taught about positive mental health and well-being within these sessions by their class-teacher.

Music with our Brent Music Service (BMS) teachers 'Music's Cool.' Click here to find out more about the programme.