Wembley Schools Federation

Designed by Aayan Navinchandra for The Wembley Schools Federation Website Logo Completed 11.07.2024

(Aayan, a Year 6 pupil, at Wembley Primary School, won the competition for designing a new Federation logo.  There were 84 entries from across both schools. The school councils, from each school, worked together, over several meetings, before choosing this winner.)



The Wembley Schools Federation includes Wembley Primary School and Lyon Park Primary School. Both schools are four forms of entry and federated in 2020. Although the schools are approximately 2 miles apart, working together for all our children and families is frequently facilitated for the following benefits:


  • A foundation of sustainable long-term development and improvement through mutual support

  • Generating opportunities to work together and reduce isolation

  • Greater consistency of effective teaching practices

  • Shared expertise that guarantees excellent experiences and opportunities for pupils and staff

  • Avoiding duplication of effort by collaboration

  • Collaborative leadership opportunities providing additional leadership capacity supporting the development of future leaders

  • Enhanced retention of staff

  • Greater purchasing power, created by the economies of scale and hence increased value for money.


Below are our statements of Mission, Vision, Values and Culture:





A successful working partnership, which enhances all learning, empowers all learners, and enlightens our teaching, within an ethical climate of inclusion, citizenship and care.

Performance and outcomes for staff and pupils improve and continue to improve through collaborative systematic reviews identifying the most efficient means to generate optimum results.


Better outcomes for staff and pupils
Greater consistency of effective teaching and learning strategies
Sustainable long-term development

Mutual support and reduced isolation
Improved opportunities for sharing expertise
Working together for financial efficiency

A collaborative culture where governors, staff and pupils

build an innovative and

vibrant community for the benefit of all its stakeholders.



Our Statement of Strategic Direction

Formal collaboration across the Federation, to support capacity building and alignment of best practice, in financial efficiency, resource management, teaching and learning provision and curriculum and safeguarding effectiveness.


Together the schools compare and review their priorities. For 2024-2025 we have the following joint strategic challenges and therefore our Federation Strategic Priorities.


Strategic Challenges

Strategic Priorities

1. Ensuring all children, including those new to the school (and the country), and those with complex needs, attain the essential, foundational knowledge for learning.

1. Early, reading and mathematics

2. Consistency of high-quality provision in all curriculum areas in an ever-developing, educational landscape of research, theories, paradigms and practices.

2. Curriculum Reviews (2024/25 foci: Art, DT and Spanish)

3. The post pandemic economic crisis and cost of living expenses impacting negatively on school budgets.

3. Building leadership capacity and development opportunities for staff enabling greater efficiency with Strategic Challenges, 1 and 2

4. Although our pupil attendance data is around the National expectation, we can still improve.

4. Attendance and Persistent Absence



Mr Rob Fenton

Executive Head Teacher

The Wembley Schools Federation