Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 News 

We have so much amazing learning planned for your children in this term. 

We would like all our year 4 children to achieve their pen licence this year.  To find out about our approach to handwriting please attend our workshop on Tuesday 19th November at either 9am or 2.45pm in our main hall.  This is a repeat of the sessions that took place in October.

In June children will have their Multiplication Tables Check, with 25 times tables questions.  Workshops took place on  Tuesday 8th October  to inform parents of the requirements of the check and how they can support at home. We will be running further workshops on Tuesday 11th March. 

Information for Parents: multiplication tables check

Here you will find all the latest information for what we are getting up to in class.

If you have any questions regarding your child's learning, or would like to share your work with their class teacher please email 



During the autumn term the children will be studying the following areas;

Science- States of Matter

Geography- Natural Disasters

Religion  and Worldviews-How do we know what is right and wrong


We have provided pupils with a Knowledge Organiser  to support learning the key information.

Our curriculum newsletter informs you of what we will be learning in class, and has the home learning challenges for the half term.